How do I care for my relaxed hair?

How do I care for my relaxed hair?

Follow our 30 days of hair care tips which you can find on our Instagram and Facebook pages. In this blog we let you know five of our favorite tips that we use to keep our hair strong, healthy and giving us that glowing feel.

TIP 1 - Don't over do it

Do not relax your hair more than necessary! We advise relaxing your hair when you can see a minimum of two inches of new growth which is around the 15-16 week mark. This will help to prevent both overlapping and over processing which is very damaging to your hair. When you do relax your hair, use a relaxer that has added benefits, like Dark & Lovely Moisture Plus which has added Shea Butter extract. 

TIP 2 - You are what you eat

Eat the right things to promote hair growth and strength. Include lots of dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and broccoli in your diet. These are a great source of Vitamins A and C, which helps in the formation of sebum, which is a natural hair conditioner. 

TIP 3 - Maintenance is key

Do not be afraid to trim your ends! Contrary to what people often think, trimming your ends regularly promotes healthy hair. It stops any split ends from travelling up and damaging your healthy hair. We advise trimming your hair with each relaxer, that way you will never go too long without relaxing your hair. 

TIP 4 - Little to no heat

Limit your heat passes! We advise that you don't use heat in your hair at all, but if you want to for styling/lifestyle purposes it is best to only use it once a week to avoid damage. When you use heat in your hair always use a heat protector before you do so. We recommend Cantu Thermal Shield heat protect

TIP 5 - Damage control

Invest in a good quality wide tooth comb. When combing through your hair use a comb that has a smooth finish that will not pull or snag your hair. You want to reduce the opportunity for damage at all stages of your hair care regime. 

What is your favorite hair care tip?

Don't miss the opportunity to win a free product by asking us a question about how to care for your hair in our Instagram competition this week. 


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